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Talk in the library

Apte per a menors
Genèrica SRusiñol


"Martians, Solarians and Selenites: movie extraterrestrials"

Screening of the aforementioned film: "Martians, Solarians and Selenites: extraterrestrials of cinema." By Manuel Moreno Lupiáñez, professor of the Department of Physics of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Beings of all kinds, supposedly coming from outer space, populate fiction (War of the Worlds, Invaders from Mars, The Devouring Mass, Attacks on Mars!, Arrival...) and choose Earth as their destination. Although imaginary, their appearance and morphology should correspond to their planets of origin, but this is not the case. An analysis of its appearance, its capabilities and its origin is a good way to exercise the scientific method and good training for when the expected "contact" with an extraterrestrial civilization arrives. In this talk with a screening of film fragments we will compare fiction with the reality of the search for extraterrestrial life.


